Whilst ‘’Fenton’’ is not my dog we did have a very similar experience last Christmas with our WCS in the stunning New Forest. I will never forget the moment I saw my beautiful white then 20month old Spaniel having the time of his life as he flushed a herd of deer. I saw my husband streak past me with an unprecedented turn of speed (and I am the competitive runner!) and there we waited alone in the Forest as minutes seemed like hours till our faithful friend came back to my very welcome arms. This was an experience I never NEVER want repeated…the yapping spaniel herding deer part…not the coming back to our welcome arms.
So I enlisted the help of Nina. This in itself was a little daunting – have you seen what her dogs can do? Initially, I was nervous so did a bit of Facebook stalking (like you do) but decided that she showed a decent enough sense of humour and may indeed tolerate us lesser morsels. I needn’t of worried. Turns out she has a list so long an Andrex puppy would chase after it, of stories of her own, now beautiful behaved dogs. Relaxed and ready we set up our first 1-2-1.
The hour literally flew by and we soaked up every nuance Nina showed us. Raring to go I finally felt equipped to venture into the Forest again. …(I won’t reveal the secrets of her success but let’s just say click-yes).
Well, we are back from a successful trip to the New Forest with plenty of Deer and no Fenton moment in sight. I am not saying of course ‘’halleluiah we are cured’’ but I am saying that hours worth of training and to be fair our consistent homework paid off with dividends. We have had several proofs, deer, birds, rabbits all things destined to defy any dogs good reputation and eureka we have had a breakthrough!
What am also impressed with is the after-care. To guide us on this pathway to success I sent in videos of our progress for Nina’s critique and felt her constant support and guidance extremely motivational (I had probably raised my stalker quality again).
If your looking to get out what you put in then Nina’s training is the way to go. Session 2 is booked up for tricks, treats and training fun. Thank you, your prowess awaits!
Amanda – Essex